This well-encapsulated what many have gone through. My wife and I have let a strong relationship with another couple die due to similar reasons and it hurts but was necessary. We used to meet up for dinner at least once a month and then Covid came, and it was a hoax and would go away after the election. Instead, they caught it but are still Trump supporters in spite of or maybe because they are Christian Fundamentalists. It felt dangerous to be around them. So much crazy stuff comes out of their mouth these days I started always steering the conversation back to the weather and family and would start looking for a reason to end the get-together. And, they are super-nice and caring people on one level. Over the years and starting in my late-teens and early-20's I learned it was not healthy for me to hang around with people who believe things non-sensical to me. It is much better to suffer the milder hurt and move on than stay in crazy-town.